Lewis Parole

Lewis Parole

Dr. Parole graduated with the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the Louisiana State University, College of Human Medicine. At the start of his career Lewis completed his internship practice at Einstein/Montefiore. He is a…

He is a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist, daily putting his decades of clinical and administrative experience to use, helping thousands of people every year.

Previously Dr. Parole has been a part of the lab conducting advanced studies in human nutrition and consequently he received a Master of Science Degree from New York University for his achievement of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nutrition at the Brown College, Rutgers University.

While being a resident dietitian specialist at one of the Floridian weight loss clinics, he then moved on to join a large medical endocrine team, which focused on diabetes and metabolism. There Dr. Parole was prominent in the conception and subsequent development of a medically supervised weight loss program designed for the management of co-morbidities. Also he was penning a series of articles for Family Circle Magazine, focusing on weight loss and the dietary planning.

Connect with Dietitian

Postal address: 400 Madison str., Alexandria, VA, United States
Phone: 1-555-325-4632
Fax: 1-555-329-9632